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Waddell, Franklin: Bailey, Erica: Weber, Marcela: Ivory, James D.: Downs, Edward: When media violence awakens our better nature: The effect of unpleasant violence on reactivity toward and enjoyment of media violence. [2019]
Gentile, Douglas A.: Bender, Patrick K.: Anderson, Craig A.: Violent video game effects on salivary cortisol, arousal, and aggressive thoughts in children. [2017]
Rauschnabel, Philipp A.: Rossmann, Alexander: tom Dieck, M. Claudia: An adoption framework for mobile augmented reality games: The case of Pokemon Go. [2017]
Fikkers, Karin M.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Valkenburg, Patti M.: Beyond the lab: Investigating early adolescents' cognitive, emotional, and arousal responses to violent games. [2016]
Greenberg, David M.: Kosinski, Michal: Stillwell, David J.: Monteiro, Brian L.: Levitin, Daniel J.: u.a.: The song is you: Preferences for musical attribute dimensions reflect personality. [2016]
Kramer, Adam D. I.: Guillory, Jamie E.: Hancock, Jeffrey T.: Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. [2014]
Jeong, Eui Jun: Biocca, Frank A.: Bohil, Corey J.: Sensory realism and mediated aggression in video games. [2012]
Aubrey, Jennifer Stevens: Olson, Loreen: Fine, Mark: Hauser, Todd: Rhea, David: u.a.: Investigating personality and viewing-motivation correlates of reality television exposure. [2012]
Mould, David: Mandryk, Regan L.: Li, Hua: Emotional response and visual attention to non-photorealistic images. [2012]
Lang, Annie: Bradley, Samuel D.: Schneider, Edward F.: Kim, Sojung C.: Mayell, Sharon: Killing is positive! Intra-game responses meet the necessary (but not sufficient) theoretical conditions for influencing aggressive behavior. [2012]
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